Monday, December 5, 2011

SharePoint is crack and Microsoft is the pusher?

Wow, just read this article and I thought I put things bluntly! This is just another article of many that are starting to be seen out there as the result of improper planning and governance of SharePoint installations.
SharePoint is not the end all answer to every problem you have. But it can be! The real problem is not SharePoint but those who are implementing it. It's not another development "platform", although it can be used as such. But in many cases you get what the author of this article states; a SharePoint layer on top of something you already have!

SharePoint can be as simple or as complex as you make it. That's the genuis of it. It can be used for just about any industry in the world..... but like I so often say, just because you "can" doesn't mean you "should".

After spending nearly 15 years working on the front lines with every version of SharePoint out there in both consulting and corporate environments, I'm reminded of two things:

  • The novel "Great Expectations" - Or better put, "Unrealistic Expectations". When someone attempts to implement SharePoint based on the hype or wow factor and finds out after the fact that they are not getting what they expected.
  • "Less is more" - Refer to #1 above, then look at this again.

For a peek at the article that spawned these thoughts, jump on over to the CMS article by clicking here.

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